Design of guide plates for the Lake Biwa Canal 琵琶湖疏水案内板デザイン

扁額案内板デザインについて about Guide Plates of 6 tablets(map 1~6)


When I was engaged in design of guide plates of 6 tablets in the summer 2009, the Waterworks Bureau of Kyoto City had neither idea nor enough money for public relations of Lake Biwa Canal which needs a lot of maintenance works. So they had intended to follow the traditional way of ordering to a signboard manufacturer. At the end of August 2009, I had received the paper of estimation as below.

扁額案内板見積 estimation of signboard


Originally I was asked the layout of Jananese explanation and the photography of the tablet on the plate of 90cm square, but I proposed the bilingual one and the improvement of visuality with new design of map and silhoutte of the section of the tunnel.

トンネル断面図 section of the tunnelトンネル断面図 section of the tunnel

第1トンネル入口扁額案内図 Guide plate on the entrance of the first tunnel第1トンネル入口扁額案内図 設置状況 installation view of the Guide Plate on the entrance of the First Tunnel

第1トンネル出口扁額案内図 installation view of the Guide Plate on the exit of the First Tunnel第1トンネル出口扁額案内図 設置状況 installation view of the Guide Plate on the exit of the First Tunnel

第3トンネル出口扁額案内図 the Guide Plate on the exit of the Third Tunnel第3トンネル出口扁額案内図 設置状況 installation view of the Guide Plate on the exit of the Third Tunnel


第一竪坑について about the First Pit Shaft(map 7)




The First Pit Shaft is the pivotal point of the construction of Lake Biwa Canal.
In Meiji era, it was impossible to dig the first tunnel of 2400m by hands, so they digged a vertical pit just on to the tunnel route to dig the tunnel to both east and west end. But it was also difficult to dig vertically a pit of 47m depth by only human power, so more than 17 workers were died.
However if the First Pit Shaft had not been realized, the first tunnel would not be completed, and if the first tunnel had not been realized, the Lake Biwa Canal which led the city of Kyoto to a modernized city would be realized.
So we can say that the First Pit Shaft is a "vertical birth canal" of modern city of Kyoto. But few know this historical fact.
For a long time, the First Pit Shaft had been abandoned and the approach had been prohibited.
At last in 2012, the restoration was started, but it has not yet been open to the public. (June 2021)

田邊サクロウ_第一竪坑図面image of the section of the First Pit Shaft ( --> Sakuro Tanabe's plan )


第一竪坑_FirstPitShaft, 8nov2009

第一竪坑_FirstPitShaft, 8nov2009

第一竪坑_FirstPitShaft, 8nov2009竪坑地上部。長く放置され、一部崩落していた。2009年11月8日撮影。
First Pit Shaft damaged. photography: Akihiko Inoue, november 8,2009


第一竪坑_FirstPitShaft, 8nov2009竪坑がようやく修復される。敷地も一部整備された。2012年5月5日撮影。
First Pit Shaft restored, photography: Akihiko Inoue, may 5, 2012


第一竪坑_FirstPitShaft, 8nov2009修復された第一竪坑(地上部)。だが諸般の事情でまだ一般には非公開。(2018年8月23日撮影)

First Pit Shaft was restored but not yet open to public. photography: Akiiko Inoue, August 23,2018


蹴上インクライン三十石船案内板 Guide Plate of Keage Incline(map 8a, 8b)

『京都新聞』web版 2014年11月9日の記事




四宮船溜案内板 Guide Plate of Shinomiya Dock(map 9)


四宮船溜案内板 Guide plate of Shinomiya Boat Resevoir出資者の洛東ロータリークラブの名札がつけられた案内板。

四宮船溜案内板 Guide plate of Shinomiya Boat Resevoir観光船の乗船場として改築された四宮船溜。奥に見えるのは諸羽トンネル(1970年開通)。

四宮船溜案内板 Guide plate of Shinomiya Boat Resevoirかつての四宮船溜。2009年8月12日撮影。


蹴上インクライン ドラム工場 Guide Plate of Keage Incline Drum Plant(map 11)

南禅寺船溜とドラム工場南禅寺船溜とドラム工場(奥) Nanzenji Berth and the Drum Plant

ドラム工場入口ドラム工場入口 entrance of the Drum Plant

ドラム工場内部風景ドラム工場内から入口を見る。施設保護のため、一般観客は内部には入れない。View from the interior of the Drum Plant.


南禅寺水路閣調査案内板 Guide Plate of Nanzenji-temple Suirokaku Research(map 10)

南禅寺水路閣調査案内板案内板設置前の水路閣調査 inspection before installation of the guide plate.
