ふたしかな屋根 Toits incertains




Toits incertains / Uncertain Roof

"Il faut que les toits soient inclinés."

13 - 26 octobre, 2013
Galerie Cinq, Nara





"Roof(toit)" is a leaning plane which divides the human world from the incontrollable nature. This exhibition "Uncertain Roof (Toits incertains), based on the theme of inclination of roof, consists of three types of installation which correspond to the characteristics of three rooms of gallery space.

[part1] Installation of paintings and mixed-media works on the wall.
[part2] Installation of 60 mixed-media works, on the floor "Studies for Lenin taking shelter from the rain" and 3 paintings on the wall.
[part3] Juxtaposition of a painting of roofs in the Tokonoma as frame and the real roofs seen through the window frame.


画廊平面図 ふたしかな屋根 part1 ふたしかな屋根 part2 ふたしかな屋根 part3