Tracing Suujin

INOUE Akihiko+NIHEI Akira, Tracing Suujin

INOUE Akihiko+NIHEI Akira, Tracing Suujin

INOUE Akihiko+NIHEI Akira, Tracing Suujin

INOUE Akihiko+NIHEI Akira, Tracing Suujin

INOUE Akihiko+NIHEI Akira, Tracing Suujin

INOUE Akihiko+NIHEI Akira, Tracing Suujin
> movie: tracing suujin horizontal

INOUE Akihiko+NIHEI Akira, Tracing Suujin
One can view Takase-river through the hole of the window screen.

INOUE Akihiko+NIHEI Akira, Tracing Suujin

INOUE Akihiko+NIHEI Akira, Tracing Suujin

INOUE Akihiko+NIHEI Akira, Tracing Suujin

INOUE Akihiko+NIHEI Akira, Tracing Suujin

Tracing Suujin

井上明彦+二瓶 晃


still moving
(PARASOPHIA: 京都国際現代芸術祭 特別連携プログラム/京芸 Transmit Program #6)

Tracing Suujin

INOUE AKihiko + NIHEI Akira

March 7 - May 10, 2013
Former Suujin Elementary School and KYOMO (Heisei-Kyomachiya model houses)

still moving
- PARASOPHIA / Transmit Program of the Kyoto City University of Arts Art Gallery @KCUA -

Site-specific installation based on topography and historical change of Suujin area, located in the east side of Kyoto Station, where Kyoto City University of Arts is planned to move in several years.
Direction of the grid on the floor and fluorescent ceiling lamps comes from old Takase River. Sound from the outside is filtered by computer and natural light absorbed by the screen.
A large glass ball, as a metaphor of water, rolls in unexpected directions along the subtle ups and downs of the floor. It refers to "Declaration of Suihei-sha(National Levelers Association)" which had close connection to this erea.






arrow_right 2nd place:KYOMO(平成の京町家普及センター)

arrow_right workshop and documents

arrow_right二瓶晃「地理・地形的背景から構想された現代美術作品」(同志社女子大学 学術研究年報 2015年)(PDF 6.5MB)
